General conditions of use of the Digital Library of Official Statistics

Update: 1 September 2021

These Digital Library of Official Statistics general conditions of use define the conditions of use of the website by Internet users.
By browsing the website, you acknowledge that you have read the website’s legal notice and accepted these general conditions of use. The applicable conditions are those that are available online on the website on the day that you access the website.
The Digital Library of Official Statistics reserves the right to change the general conditions of use at any time, by publishing a new version on the website, in order to adapt them to changes in the law or regulations or to new features of the website that may be offered to Internet users. The date of the most recent update of the general conditions of use is given in the first line of this document.


1. Description of the website:
The Digital Library of Official Statistics (Bibliothèque numérique de la statistique publique - BNSP) was created based on tools developed by the French National Library (Bibliothèque nationale de France - BnF) for its digital library, Gallica.
It is hosted by the BnF and provides access to digital reproductions of works from collections of the INSEE Alain Desrosières library as well as its partners and other institutions.


2. Commitments and responsibility of the Internet user
By using the website, you undertake not to infringe the laws and regulations in force and these general conditions of use. You are informed that any breach of said laws and regulations may entail legal proceedings and sanctions against you.
You hereby acknowledge that the Digital Library of Official Statistics reserves the right to block access to the website immediately and without prior notice should your use of the website be in breach of these general conditions and, more generally, of the laws and regulations in force.
Generally speaking, the Digital Library of Official Statistics may not be held liable in the event of the use of the website by an Internet user that does not comply with these general conditions of use.


3. Intellectual property rights
3.1 Intellectual property rights relating to the website

INSEE holds all intellectual property rights relating to the website. In particular, INSEE holds the producer’s rights to the database that makes up the website under Articles L. 341–1 to L. 343–7 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
You undertake not to use the website in any way that would constitute a breach or infringement of French laws and regulations.

3.2 Intellectual property rights relating to trademarks and logos
INSEE holds the intellectual property rights to the visual elements that appear on the website.
These may not be used with the prior, written authorisation of INSEE.
Any use or affixing of these visual elements, in whole or in part, without the express prior authorisation of INSEE shall be punishable under Article L. 716–1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.


3.3 Intellectual property rights relating to the contents of the website

The Digital Library of Official Statistics provides access to digital reproductions of works from the collections of the INSEE Alain Desrosières Library and its partners. They are identified by the following references: “Sources: INSEE Alain Desrosières library”, “Sources: CNIS”, “Sources: SSP Agreste”, “Sources: SESSI”, “Sources: SSMSI”, “Sources: SDES”, “Sources: INJEP”, “Sources: DEPP”, “Sources: OED”, “Sources: SEIS”, “Sources: DREES”, “Sources: DARES”, “Sources: DESL” and “Sources: DSED”.
These reproductions are from various editors:
    • Publications and data from publishers of the official statistical service (INSEE and Ministerial Statistical Offices) are made available and can be consulted and downloaded free of charge. They can be reused, including for commercial purposes, without a licence and without payment of royalties other than those collected by the societies for the collection and distribution of copyright governed by Title II of Book III of the French Intellectual Property Code. Their reuse is, however, subject to maintaining the integrity of the information and data and to the precise identification of sources;
    • Publications from other publishers are mostly digital reproductions of works in the public domain from collections of the INSEE Alain Desrosières library. These documents are considered, pursuant to the French Code on the Relationship between the Public and the Administration, to be public information and their reuse falls within the framework of the provisions of Articles L. 321–1 to L. 327–1 of said Code.

Some documents are subject to a specific reuse system. They include:
    • Digital reproductions of works from the BnF’s collections. They are identified by the words “Sources: Bibliothèque Nationale de France”. Their reuse is governed by Law no. 78–753 of 17 July 1978: the non-commercial reuse of this content is free of charge provided that it complies with the legislation in force and that the source is referenced; the commercial reuse of this content is subject to a fee and a licence, in accordance with the laws in force (read more);
    • Digital reproductions of works from collections of other BnF partner libraries or institutions. They are identified by the words “Sources: [Name of partner]”. You must contact these establishments for information on the conditions of their reuse.

4. Statistical data and cookies
To improve the service, a statistics management tool measures the number of visits, the number of pages viewed and the activity of visitors on the website. The information collected during your visit to the website does not contain any personal information. This data is not passed on to third parties or used for other purposes. At any time, you may, by modifying the configuration of your Internet browser, refuse the collection of cookies or delete existing ones, without this affecting the quality of your browsing on the website.

5. Applicable law – disputes
The website and these general conditions of use are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have jurisdiction.

6. Contact
For all information, you may send an email to the following address: