All publications by partner

The Digital Official Statistics Library aims to bring together publications from the entire Official Statistical Service: publications by INSEE and from all the Ministerial Statistical Departments. 11 Ministerial Statistical Departments are currently part of the BNSP, together with the National Council for Statistical Information.

INSEE - French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies

Access collections

Fonds patrimonial numérisé de la bibliothèque Alain Desrosières

CNIS - National Council for Statistical Information

Agriculture - SSP

Territorial collectivities - DESL

SSM Commerce extérieur - DSECE

SSM Culture - DEPS

Defence - OED

Energy, housing, transport, environment - SDES

Education - Depp

Higher eduction and research - Sies

SSM Fonction publique - SDessi

Immigration - DSED

Industry - SESSI

Youth and Sports - Injep

Health and solidarity - DREES

Internal Security - SSMSI

Labour - Dares